Maximize Your Outreach Potential

How effective is your outreach ministry today? How effective would you like it to be a year from now? How will you measure your effectiveness?
We can help you Maximize Your Outreach Potential. Our process is simple, scalable and easily reproduced. It will give your church a new heart for the community and a practical blueprint for maximizing your reach. You will see more people serving, more people sharing their faith and impacting the community.

Come & See

Visit us and experience first hand how God is using ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things in our city. Meet the leaders, hear stories and experience their ministries. Your team will leave more passionate about what God is doing, inspired with new ideas and equipped with new ministry tools.
Contact for additional details.
Visits Include
  • Visits to outreach ministries
  • Interactive workshop built around your needs
  • Q&A Sessions with Rock Church ministry leaders
  • Consultation on your Outreach Plan
  • Church Tour
  • Microsite Tour

Train Your Leaders

Equip your staff and volunteers with an easy-to-use process and practical tools to impact your community. We can bring the training to your church. We use a combination of speakers, video sessions and online tools to help train your team and facilitate creation of an outreach blueprint to reach your community.
Email to be contacted about our training opportunities.
Training Sessions Include
  • What is a Do Something Church?
  • Applying the Count, Walk, Ask, Love Process to Your Ministry
  • Launching and Supporting Volunteer-led Ministries
  • Plan Successful Love Your City Events
  • Funding Outreach Ministries
  • Creating a Volunteering Culture
  • Engaging Your Community Leaders & City Collaboration
  • Microsites: Expanding the Walls of the Church
  • Leveraging Technology Innovations to Support Growth
  • Ministry Blueprint Tool
One of the benefits of holding a training at your church is that our facilitator can also help provide an outsider perspective of your current outreach strategy and its impact in the community. This can provide a good basis for customizing your strategy and training for your volunteers.

Online Coaching

We coach close to 100 churches every year as they rethink their outreach and equip their members to share their faith. Let us partner and walk with you as you apply new ideas and systems to maximize your evangelistic potential. We offer coaching in three 45-minute sessions via video calls to pastors and outreach leaders who want to learn more about our outreach model, processes, and systems with the goal of applying them in their church.
Free Coaching Sessions Include
Session 1 - Discovery and Alignment
Covers: learning more about your church, advantages of our outreach model, agreement on a coaching process
Session 2 - Our Outreach Model in Practice
Covers: ministry philosophy, messaging, processes, systems and tools that make it all work
Session 3 - Applying the Model in Your Church
Covers: strategies for introducing the model in your church, dealing with obstacles, fine-tuning processes